All exterior lights must remain off during the ENTIRE movie because lights interfere with the video quality of the screen.  Please make sure you know how to turn off and keep off all exterior vehicle lights while keeping your radio on.  Visit for instructions or ask a staff member.  We do this every day and are happy to help.  Black painters tape is available to cover lights upon request.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept cash, all credit cards, Cash App, Google Pay, and Apple Pay.

Do movies show if it rains or snows?

Yes, the movie shows in rain, snow, and all weather conditions.
Note: If we close for an emergency or power outage, and it is prior to the end of the primary movie, then tickets will be refunded in full. 

Do you allow outside food and drink?

Part of the experience is enjoying the diner’s food and treat menu, so we hope you will give us a try.  Our diner sales are what keep us in business so we appreciate your support.  For these reasons, outside food and drink is not permitted.

What do the ratings mean and what is the age policy?

Please see  For rated R films we follow MPAA guidelines which require persons under 17 to be accompanied by a parent or guardian 21 or older.

  • Larger size vans, trucks, and tall SUV’s will be required to park in the spaces that do not block others views.
  • Raised hatchbacks must be tied down to roof level. Theatre staff will provide twine and they also have final authority as to where you may park.
  • The speed limit is 5 MPH. Please observe this for the safety of everyone.
  • All vehicles must park leaving room for two vehicles between each set of posts.
  • Each vehicle is entitled to one parking space. If you are sitting outside of the vehicle, do not occupy another parking space. If you have chairs then we ask that you place chairs between your vehicle and the screen.
  • You MAY NOT sit, or place any object, on the roof of your vehicle as it is unsafe and will obstruct the view of the patrons behind you.
  • You MAY NOT leave your car running while watching the movie due to the fumes being harmful to people around you.
  • We feature Dolby Digital radio sound. You may bring a portable radio if you would like.  We also rent and sell portable retro FM radios.
  • Show consideration for the guests parked around you. Do not use loud voices, horns, radios, or any type of sound loud enough to disturb other guests.
  • Obscene language WILL NOT be tolerated.
  • Drugs, Alcoholic beverages, or any type of controlled substances are NOT ALLOWED on the Drive-In property.
  • No vehicle lighting is allowed while the movies are being shown. Headlights, parking lights, and interior lights must remain off.
  • You may enter for the second movie only if you wish, but the price remains the same.
  • You MAY NOT leave and return. Once you leave the drive-in, you will have to pay to re-enter.
  • Shoes & shirts must be worn at all times in the snack bar and on the grounds for safety purposes.
  • No cooking, grilling, or any type of food preparation is allowed on drive-in property.
  • We show the movies rain or shine, therefore, we do not offer rain checks when it does rain.
  • Anyone attempting to hide another person in a vehicle to avoid being charged will be asked to leave immediately with no refund.
  • Professional camera or recording equipment is not allowed without approval.  Recording the movie is not allowed.
  • Any type of sales or solicitations on drive-in property is strictly prohibited.
  • All guests are asked to retain their ticket receipt and may be asked to present them to management or Security upon request.
©1955 - Present Swan Drive-In Theatre, LLC